History & Gratitude
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No Matter What! was born in 2010 when Swiss Trumpet connoisseur Mona Seda and Mexican Rhythm Guitarist/Drummer Hector Rivera joined creative forces to express progressive ideas through music. No Matter What! is based in Los Angeles, California; our songs aim at promoting individual and social positive change while entertaining with energetic melodic grooves.
Although various friends have collaborated in our recordings, the core band is [Left to Right in the picture]: Daniele De Cario (Bass guitar); Mona Seda (Vocals and Trumpet); Forrest Robinson (Drums and Percussion); Hector Rivera (Vocals and Guitar); and Mike Basica (Rhythm and Solo Guitar).
Mona and Hector recorded the first single, Don’t Take It No More with Hector playing Guitars, Drums and Bongos; Mona playing Trumpet; both singing; and our dear friend (Bassist, Guitarist, Composer, Producer, Rapper) John Carfi playing Bass. John Carfi would not be available to be part of the band due to other engagements.
Shortly thereafter, Hector and Mona met Daniele De Cario (Bassist, keyboardist, Producer and all-around musician extraordinaire). Daniele expressed interest in recording on No Matter What!’s new material and he became a staple in the sound of our collective band.
Some time went by and the song Adrenalized Freedom was written and a demo recorded. The song included a very energetic double-bass drum riff that required a Metal-Fusion drummer so we started looking for someone to become part of the band. Daniele recommended Forrest Robinson (amazing Drummer, Keyboardist, Composer and Producer) who liked the direction of the band and its sound. Thus, Forrest became the fourth permanent member of the line up. His drumming is out of this world!
Eventually, the need for a Lead Guitarist was evident. Through Forrest, we met Mike Basica (gifted Guitarist and Producer) and fell in love with his playing, while he fell in love with the music we write. Mike was thus, added to the line up and became the fifth element.
Everyone in this band contributes their talents without limitation. Their creative input and musical contributions make the No Matter What! sound what it is. They’re all Leaders on their own and we are eternally grateful that they decided to also be part of this project.
Along the way other friends collaborated on some of the song recordings. The incredible Jean Luis Contreras recorded rocking Rhythm and Solo Guitars on In Tolerance. Groovy and amazing drummer Kim Diaz recorded on Walk Like We Talk and Before The Love Has Gone. John Carfi participated writing lyrics and performing the rap on People Power. Danielle Hébert, who is an accomplished singer/guitarist/songwriter recorded Saz (Turkish String Instrument) on People Power. Victor Salas, Bassist and Percussionist, recorded Percussion on BossambaLA. Although her contribution was not musical, the voice of Samantha Rojas (daughter of Hector’s friend Alejandra Hernandez) is featured in the intro of Yearning For Peace (War Child).
As we wrote more songs and decided to publish an album, the idea was born to make it into a Concept Album. A story was written and we asked our friend Danielle Hébert to illustrate it. Later on Danielle agreed to animate the illustrations and Hector’s dad, Carlos Rivera, agreed to record the narration part of the story. It is in this way that the Episode Video Series was born. Eventually, The episodes were spliced together, rolling credits added an we became Filmmakers. The movie “People Power” and its Spanish version “Poder Del Pueblo” have been the recipients of numerous Awards in Independent Film Festivals Around the world. Read the “Description” under the Movie Page for a complete list.
Mimo Breitinger is a relentless force that has inspired and painted this project from wherever she is. Thanks Mimo!
Carlos Rivera Jr. & Sr., and Nori Nandayapa have wholeheartedly supported the realization of No Matter What! every step of the way and we are eternally grateful to them. Thanks Mom, Dad and Bro’.
A great source of inspiration for No Matter What! to become what it is today are our dear friends Daniele De Cario and Ingrid Pagliarulo. They liked and trusted No Matter What!’s music from the very beginning and always encouraged us to keep going. Daniele is an amazing musician and producer. Ingrid is an accomplished writer/editor/publisher as well as an amazing music connoisseur. Their opinion and encouragement has been and continues to be extremely influential in keeping us going.
Franco Papasodaro (musical genius), who has always believed in our project and who has been a great source of inspiration and help to us.
A key element in our published sound is Shawn Lyon who Mixed and Mastered No Matter What! tunes.
A special mention goes to our dear friend Danielle Hébert whose creative force is responsible for the Comic Book Illustrations and the Episode Series Video Animation.
We would also like to thank those who have influenced, inspired and encouraged No Matter What!: Jay Data, Betty Grosse, Angelo Campanile, Ariel Hart, Dave Beyer, Nicole Briscoe, Johnny Portillo, Atila Sikora (R.I.P.), Jason Allen Hardiman, Mardhavi Sakuntala, Gary Valentine (R.I.P), Alejandra Hernandez, Krstina Sebez, Laura Enslin, Chuy Perez, Tbird Tall Flame Luv, Suzette Chavez, Eric Biondo, Jordan Mclean, Mark Kelton, Paul McMinn and Susan McNabb, Madeline Neely, Troy Walls, Vinyl Soul, Johnnye Hackney, Urs Peter Schneider, Edu Haubensack, The Bejar Family, Jessica Morley, Crystal Basica.